Out Advice For Lesbians,
Bisexual and Questioning Women

a special prerelease to our web site visitors only, we are offering
a pre-publishing, review copy of our newest book "Coming
Out Advice for Lesbians, Bisexual and Questioning Women."
This book has not even been released for bookstores or libraries,
and is only available for a very limited time as a presale Ebook
for women who need to download this Ebook privately to their own

This 177 page Ebook is a compilation of the most important
questions from our Support For Lesbians Coming Out group members.
With answers by the group's owner and co-author of "How To
Be A Happy Lesbian: A Coming Out Guide" Tracey Stevens, and
commentary from many of our longtime members, this amazing book
is sure to help anyone who is coming out as a lesbian or a bisexual
woman today.

Out Advice for Lesbians and Bisexual Women
Authors:Tracey Stevens/Cathy Wonder
ISBN: 0-9719628-1-2
13 digit ISBN: 978-0-9719628-1-1
Type and Size: Paperback and Ebook 5" x 8"
List Price: Softcover version: $16.95, Introductory
Sale Price Ebook Edition: $14.95
Page Count: 177 Pages
Illustrations: Paperback Edition Black and White, Ebook
Description: Self-help Guide, Nonfiction.
Instantly Downloadable Ebook Version

VALUE: Part of our Total Coming
Out Support Package
for Lesbians, Bisexual and Questioning Women

Out Advice For Lesbians,
Bisexual and Questioning Women
Over 100 questions are answered and
categorized into the following chapters:

Click on Chapter Numbers for a Sample
I lesbian, bi, or straight?
- Im
not sure what I am; is it easier to act straight?
it wrong to call myself a lesbian?
hate that people put me in a box with the label lesbian!
Why do I need a label?
is Like a River
feel hate for myself. Is it worth it to be a lesbian?
therapist says Im a lesbian because of my childhood
abuse. Is this true?
think Im a lesbian, but men keep asking me out.
What do I say?
boss said that I must be bisexual because I have kids,
but I feel totally lesbian?
have no problems being gay or straight, I just want
to be one or the other?
wondering if I could go back to being straight?
all gay people look gay?
my body tell me that Im lesbian?
know that I am not completely straight."
Where does this put me?
thought I was asexual
noticed a woman at the gym, Im scared I am a lez?
loved your Coming Out Guide, but Im still not
sure what I am?
people who question their sexuality ever decide that
they are heterosexual?
saw a movie with women in love, and I think I may be
lesbian. What now?
Im a lesbian, why did I get turned on watching
gay male porn?
about being lesbian
dont want to be in love with a woman! I want a
normal life! What can I do?
2 Coming Out and Fear Issues
- Why
do I hate the words we are called?
- Im
not comfortable with the words we are labeled with. Is
that normal?
- Is
it normal to feel guilty about being lesbian? Im
over 40, from a religious background and Im just
now figuring this out! Have I wasted my half of my life?
- Im
terrified of acknowledging that am a lesbian!
- Im
attracted to women but at the same time feeling extremely
homophobic. What can I do to accept myself?
- I
hate myself for being a lesbian. What can I do to change?
How can I be lesbian? I dont want to be different,
and I totally confused as to what I am.
- Im
over 40 and Im just now coming out How did you know
when you were so young?
- Im
pretty fem. How do I let other lesbians know that I am
one too, without outting myself to straight people?
- Commentary
by Tracey: Coming Out is an ongoing process
- Im
scared to go to a support meeting because my cousin is
lesbian and she might be there! What should I do?
- Help!
My GFs sister heard us last night! What should we
- Isnt
it better to choose love over fear and always be out in
- Will
being lesbian cause people not to respect me?
- My
GF is scared to be a lesbian. What can I do?

am so glad I found your books, they were just what I
needed to come out of my shell. I was so ashamed of
my feelings for other women that I buried them very
deep, then I ran across your book, downloaded it, and
read it at night when I felt safe I would not get caught
(I was 48, divorced with 4 kids and could not admit
it to myself or my therapist). I must say "you
guys have have definitely rocked my world!" I appreciate
your honesty and how you don't beat around the bush.
I am now out to some people, but more important I no
longer feel isolated and ashamed. Thank you Tracey and
Kathy, I hope to see more books.
Raimee S, Rapid City, SD |
3 Coming Out In School
- Something
kind of happened with my best friend, but Ive never
been with anyone. How do I know what I am?
- Im
under 18, and my parents are are horrible to me because
I am lesbian. What do I do?
- I
just turned 21, and Im terrified to tell anyone
that I am a lesbian. What do I do?
- Im
in High School, and Im really having trouble accepting
that I am lesbian. What can I do?
- My
step-father kicked me out for being a lesbian, and now
my brother wont speak to me. Im 18 and living
with my GF, but Im heartbroken.
- My
mother hates my GF! What do I do?
- Im
not sure if Im gay or bisexual
- How
do I handle my parents when they both hate gay people?
- Even
though Im lesbian, Ive always been real flirty
with guys, but now someone is stalking me! What should
I do?
- My
brother is being a jerk about me being
a lesbian! HELP!
- Im
in college and I feel lost in alone. Not sure what I should
- I
was accused me of being a lesbian at a Christian College.
Im scared that I am, but how do I know for sure?
- Should
I come out at a Christian College?
- I
told my mother, and she flipped out and is blaming herself!
What can I do?
- How
did you come out?

especially appreciated how attention was given to the
younger aged women/girls who are making this transition.
Tracey really puts emphasis on the importance of getting
an education to enable one to live the life they truly
believe they were meant for, without having to depend
on anyone else. That kind of positive support, in this
day and age is invaluable. Though, I'm much older, I
found the information to apply to me as well. Thanks!
R, Los Angeles, CA |
4 Coming Out and Men
- I
just can not be a lesbian! Is it easier to just get married
to a guy?
- A
guy is hitting on me at work What should I do?
- My
husband is really upset about me being lesbian. What should
I do?
- Im
spiritual, married, and fairly happy, but Im not
attracted to my husband?
- I
know I am lesbian, but Im scared to leave my husband
and the life we have together. What should I do?
- From
mother of two, to
two mommies!
Member Commentary: Thoughts about staying in a marriage
that you were not happy in.
- How
can I do this to my family?
- My
ex-boyfriend is an ex-gay, and he thinks I
should choose to be straight! What do I do?
- Thoughts
about Faithfulness
- Im
bisexual with a husband, but I have attractions for women.
What do I do?
- My
husband became angry when I told him I think Im
a lesbian. What do I do?
- My
husband has beat me up, and is turning my kids against
me. What can I do?
- My
husband has become violent and has threatened my life.
Where can I go?
- My
husband has baracaded himself in a motel room and
is threatening to kill himself! What should I do?
- My
husband shot himself in front of me. Im filled with
guilt on how to handle this.
- Coming
out of an abusive marriage
- How
do I find Ms Right?
Life is Too Short To Live a Lie
- My
counselor convinced me to commit to my husband for another
year, but I know Im in love with a woman?
- Im
having an affair with a woman, and Im afraid to
leave my abusive husband?
- Can
two people who are both gay just stay together for their

from UK, but have lived in Spain for the past five years.
I have a young daughter and last year, when I split
with her step-dad I decided to explore my sexuality--the
sexuality I had ignored for YEARS! I came out as bisexual
to my friends and this year, came out as a lesbian.
The only thing that helped me understand me were the
"How to be a happy Lesbian" and the "Coming
Out Advice" and "Relationship Advice"
support books by Tracey and Kathy, who started the support
group. I cannot express enough to everyone to get these
books and read them. If you find this support group
helpful, these books will really be the icing on the
Tara, Barcelona, Spain |
5 Coming Out to Family and Friends
- Commentary
by Tracey: For anyone who is having trouble coming out
to her family:
- Is
it wrong to be dishonest to people just to make them happy?
- How
do I handle homophobic relatives?
- My
GF is in the closet to everyone. What if she gets in an
accident and I never find out?
- Ive
got to go to my brothers wedding, and I know my
family will be bugging me about getting married. How can
I handle the stress of this event?
- Its
the holidays, my GF is coming to live with me, and Im
afraid I will be outted! What should I do???
- Im
an adult living with her parents. I want to come out,
but Im afraid to do it. What should I do?
- What
Selfishness Looks Like
- My
mother is a total homophobe!What should I do?
- My
GF is mad because I wont come out. I dont
want to loose her, but what can I do?
- Why
is my best friend upset over me coming out?
- My
parents are being horrible to me and my GF What can I
- The
prejudice of coming out.
6 Coming Out To Our Kids
- I
think I just came out to my boys! Now what do I do?
- How
can I do this to my kids?
- How
I came out to my daughter
- How
do I explain lesbian sex to my kids?
- How
I Came Out To My Kids
Member Commentary: Raising kids in a lesbian relationship
- A
friend told me I was using my kids so I dont have
to come out!
- About
Raising Kids
- My
daughter is holding religion over my head. What can I
- Dealing
with Homophobic Teenager.

love both your new Coming Out and Relationship Advice
books. You deal with some very difficult issues in a
very frank and to the point manner, yet you do it very
lovingly and with amazing humor and wisdom. I highly
recommend these books to every newly out lesbian. In
fact, I'm sure the books will be helpful to all lesbians
no matter what stage of coming out they are in. You
give us all of your sage advice and wisdom from coming
out as teenagers to coming out later in life; from internalized
homophobia and self-hated to self love and acceptance
of ourselves; from meeting other lesbians online and
in the real world, to dating and into long term relationships;
from leaving abusive relationships (or marriages) into
self reliance and standing honestly in our lives as
totally actualized lesbians; from a disorganized LGBT
community into ideas about creating a cohesive and well
organized LGBT community keeping personal differences
away from the main goal--a free to be who we are type
world with equal rights for all! I highly recommend
your books to every lesbian who is struggling with coming
out. Heck, it is a great advice book for anyone, heterosexual,
homosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc. This is a very practical
and important book that challenges, advises, and supports
newly out lesbians as we emerge from hiding in the closet
out into the Light of day!
DJ Messier, Portland, ME |
7 Coming Out and Religion
- My
Church has called me an abomination! What should I do?
- Section
concerning religion from: How To Be A Happy Lesbian:
A Coming Out Guide
- "What
about what the Bible says?
- Coming
out of the closet as an LDS woman.
- When
will I find the strength to tell the truth?
- If
there is no marriage, then when is it committed or monogamous
or moral? And what exactly is going all the way
between lesbians?
- My
Minister has demanded my children! He has outted me, and
Ive lost all my business!
Im ruined in this town! What do I do now?
- Ive
been rejected by my church, and Im thinking I may
just go back in the closet for good!
- Response
to a homophobic column in a Local Newspaper
- Stepping
up on the Religious Soapbox!
- Traceys
Religious Soapbox.
Coming Out Advice for Lesbians,
Bisexual and Questioning Women:

Part of our instantly downloadable
Total Coming Out Support Package for $24.95--
SALE PRICE: $19.95

To see our Total Support Package which includes
our Coming Out Guide and 3 other Coming Out Books,
plus membership to our 24/7 confidential support group
Please click the following link:

Out Support Package
For Lesbians, BI and Questioning Women