Advice For Lesbians and Bisexual Women 
Advice For Lesbians and Bisexual Women Over
100 questions are answered and categorized into the following chapters:

Click on Chapter Numbers for a Sample Page |
VS Love, Article by Tracey Stevens and Cathy Wonder Featured on
and -
Naked Truth: The Power of P Article by Tracey Stevens and Cathy Wonder Featured
on and -
A Lesbian Partner with Online Dating, Article by Tracey Stevens and Cathy Wonder
Featured on and -
met someone online but I think something fishy is going on, and shes married
or worse. What should I do? -
I cheating on my boy-friend if Im having an affair with a woman? -
having feelings for someone who has a GF. What should I do? -
keep seeing No Drama on lesbian dating websites. Doesnt everyone have drama?
57, and Im falling in love with someone online. but she lives on the other
side of the country! Is this an OK thing to do? -
Spanish and just coming out in a Macho culture. I met someone online; should I
meet with her? -
I was hit on at a beauty salon, but my straight sister was there! What should
I have done? -
got a crush on someone at work. Should I date her? -
going on my first date with a WOMAN! Im so nervouswhat should I DO? -
first girlfriend confessed that she cheated on me with her ex-boyfriend. Should
I forgive her or let her go? -
someone comes up and asks me Are you a lesbian? what exactly do I
say? -
cant stop thinking about my ex, and Im afraid Im going lose
my sanity over this. What can I do? -
do women who say they are straight come on to me? -
girlfriend cant accept our relationship, and shes saying shes
going to leave! What should I do? -
fell in love with my friend whos a religiously-based homophobe! What should
I do? -
girlfriend is a homophobe! What should I do? - Why
lesbians dont want to date bisexual women?
- There
is a woman stalking me! What can I do?
- A
woman I went out with forced me to have sex!
Im having all kinds of emotions. What can I do?
Member Commentary: My GF left me. How can I heal my broken heart?
- My
GF Needs Space. How do I handle it?
- My
GF broke up with me, and my heart is breaking. What can I do?
2 The LGBT Community and Family Life
- Why
is there little unity in our community?
- Is
it bad to raise children in a lesbian relationship?
- My
teenage son is really having problems with me being lesbian. I want to be able
to be open in our community, but not sure about PDAs?
- My
GF wants me to have kids, but Im 39 and my mind keeps saying NO!
Is there something wrong with me?
- The
Amazing Shrinking Sex Drive Article by Tracey Stevens and Cathy Wonder Featured
- Does
anyone get to go to their partners parents house for the holidays,
or is it just me?
- Affairs
and the Lesbian Soulmate Fantasy Article by Tracey Stevens and Cathy Wonder Featured
Relationship Guide for lesbian and bisexual woman is an awesome resource for all
woman. Everyone's journey to find their own truth is different. The Relationship
Guide provides honest and respectful answers to those burning questions. It covers
aspects that you didn't even know you needed. I really like the personal perspectives
which helped me get through some trying times with my partner. Thanks to Tracey
and Kathy and all those who contributed to the book. Information is knowlege,
and knowlege gives us the power to make the right choices in our lives for us.
Good luck with the book. Its awesome! Kia kaha, Rainbow Angel, New
Zealand. | Chapter
3 Coming Out In School - Why
am I always attracted to women who are bad for me?
- My
GF is leading a double life and having unprotected sex with men and women! What
should I do?
- Im
teeter-tottering between my GF and my BF. Should I let God decide?
- My
ex GF is making me crazy!
Im angry because my GF broke up with me, and I dont want to date any
more women. Can I become asexual?
- My
last GF broke my heart, and Im scared my new GF will do the same
- Why
is it hard to break up with an abuser?
- I
think Im the rebound woman, should I break off the affair?
- My
GF is married and weve been having a secret affair for 22 years. She only
sees me when she has time, and I am miserable. What should I do?
- My
GF is going back to her ex! Im devastated by this, what can I do?
- My
lesbian partner is an abuser. What should I do?
- My
GFs Family is awful to her. Its made her sick, shes lost her
job, and shes being mean to me.
- I
cant stop thinking about my ex GF even though we are both with other women.
What can I do?
- My
Ex is Stalking me and threatening me. What can I do?
- How
much should I give when my GF constantly threatens to leave if she doesnt
get her way?
- My
GF may be cheating on me with her ex! What should I do?
- My
GF used to cheat on her ex. Will she cheat on me too?
- My
GF wont work or do anything around the house! My ex also treated me horriblewhat
can I do?
- My
GF cant decide between me and her BF! This is making me CRAZY! What should
I do?
- Im
having an affair with a married woman with kids. What do I do?
My GF says she loves only me, but she wont leave her husband. I am miserable,
and wondering what can I do?
- My
GF and I are in love, but we are both married to men! HELP!
- Im
in love with a woman from my past, but shes in another relationship. What
do I do?
- My
GF constantly hurts my feelings. What can I do?
- Im
wanting to have an affair with a woman. whose with someone else. What do I do?
- My
Ex is doing drugs again. I want to be a good friend and help her, but what can
I do?

from UK, but have lived in Spain for the past five years. I have a young daughter
and last year, when I split with her step-dad I decided to explore my sexuality--the
sexuality I had ignored for YEARS! I came out as bisexual to my friends and this
year, came out as a lesbian. The only thing that helped me understand me were
the "How to be a happy Lesbian" and the "Coming Out Advice"
and "Relationship Advice" support books by Tracey and Kathy, who started
the support group. I cannot express enough to everyone to get these books and
read them. If you find this support group helpful, these books will really be
the icing on the cake! Tara, Barcelona, Spain |
4 Childhood and Sexual Abuse Issues
I was molested as a little girl. Is that why Im a lesbian now?
Ive got childhood sexual abuse issues with men; am I really lesbian?
Member Commentary: I do not think that we become lesbian because of traumatic
childhood events.
- Could
I be lesbian because I was gang-raped?
- I
was abused as a child. Is that why Im into Bondage and S&M?
- I
had child sexual abuse. Would it help my marriage to bring in another woman to
help me handle my sexual problems?
I had childhood abuse, and I feel my life has been ruined by it. What can I do
to help myself?
- My
GF had sexual abuse as a child. How do I handle it?
I am scared that I can not be with a woman, because I am terrified of penetration.
- My
ex-husband is abusing my daughter! What can I do?
- Will
childhood abuse make me an abuser to my own kids?
- What
childhood abuse is normal?
- I
need help to escape an abusive situation for my children. Where can I go?
- I
need to leave my abusive husband, but I dont know how?
- What
can I do to help with fear issues about my past abuse?
- Commentary
by Tracey: Coping With Abuse
- Why
is there Child Abuse?
- Repressed
Childhood Memories Are they true?
- How
do I know if I was abused?
- I
had traumatic child abuse. Can therapy help me?
- Does
therapy really do any good?
- What
to do about a Stalker

favorite part of your Advice book is the section on Stalking. I tried to be nice
and not stir things up with my ex-husband, but all I accomplished was giving him
more control! I read the section you wrote with advice on stalking, and you said,
We teach people how to treat us. If you slide the limits you set, then your
partner will have learned just how far to push you to cave in." I do think
I have taught my ex-husband well, because I used to fight with him everyday, but
reading the advice that was in this one section of your book has helped me to
make sense of what I had to do to stop his nasty behavior, and it is time for
him to leave me alone! Thanks ladies! Ann R, York Town, PA |
5 Coping with the straight world
- All
Gay People CHOOSE their Lifestyles! Letter
to the Editor By Tracey Stevens
- Ive
always been affectionate with the men I dated. Why cant I kiss my GF in
- someone
cruelly outted me at work, but I could swear this person is also lesbian. Whats
up with that?
- Question:
Im having problems with the men at my work. This seems to happen at every
job I have. What can I do?
- Should
I tell the guy I am dating and people at my work that I am a lesbian?
- Im
living at home with my mother and in my first lesbian relationship. My straight
friend thinks I am disrespecting my GF by not coming out to everyone in my life.
What do you think?

love both your new Coming Out and Relationship Advice books. You deal with some
very difficult issues in a very frank and to the point manner, yet you do it very
lovingly and with amazing humor and wisdom. I highly recommend these books to
every newly out lesbian. In fact, I'm sure the books will be helpful to all lesbians
no matter what stage of coming out they are in. You give us all of your sage advice
and wisdom from coming out as teenagers to coming out later in life; from internalized
homophobia and self-hated to self love and acceptance of ourselves; from meeting
other lesbians online and in the real world, to dating and into long term relationships;
from leaving abusive relationships (or marriages) into self reliance and standing
honestly in our lives as totally actualized lesbians; from a disorganized LGBT
community into ideas about creating a cohesive and well organized LGBT community
keeping personal differences away from the main goal--a free to be who we are
type world with equal rights for all! I highly recommend your books to every lesbian
who is struggling with coming out. Heck, it is a great advice book for anyone,
heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc. This is a very practical and
important book that challenges, advises, and supports newly out lesbians as we
emerge from hiding in the closet out into the Light of day! DJ Messier,
Portland, ME | Chapter
6 General Living Advice
- What
do I do when everything seems to be going wrong?
- Should
I Come Out at Work?
A butch woman at my work said she would rather chalk my feelings up to being just
curious. Why is that?
- I
got fired at work, but I cant prove its because I am lesbian. What
can I do?
- What
do I do when everyone treats me bad because I am gay?
- Things
have really sucked since I came out! What can I do?
- Having
had the privilege of a heterosexual relationship, I took for granted all that
I am denied now. How do you all deal with this on a daily basis?
Member Commentary: Can someone please explain what a lesbian should look like
in todays society?
My homophobic daughter has disowned me, and its the holidays. How can I
cheer myself up?
- Someone
told me that being gay is a choice, and that gay marriage has never been legal.
Is she right?
- Why
do all the women Im with use me?
- My
GFs are always awful to me. Why do I always pick the wrong women?
- Is
it bad to drink when Im depressed?
- My
mother drank, and I do drugs to cope with being a lesbian Is it genetic?
- My
GFs mother came out to me on her death bed. Any thoughts on this?
- Commentary
by Tracey: Look For The Small Miracles in Your Life
- Commentary
by Tracey: Following The Little Voices
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