Coming Out Support Package For Gay, Bisexual and Questioning Women Are
you attracted to or even in love with another woman, but you have no
idea what to do?
are you married and you think you could be bisexual or gay?
you coming out as a gay or bisexual woman and need advice and support?
you scared about how you will be treated by friends and family once they find
you wanting to improve your life and accept yourself?
you need totally confidential advice and support from other women who have
gone through many of the same things you are experiencing now?
Our Coming Out Support Package contains all of this and much more! If
you find that you are attracted to a woman and you need help figuring out if you
may be gay, bisexual or a straight woman who has fallen in love with another woman,
or if you are in the process of coming out as a gay or a bisexual woman, no matter
what age you are, then our Coming Out Support Package may be the answer to all
of your questions, plus loads of other things that will help you now. Protecting
your privacy is our number one priority. Because of this, we offer our support
package in the Ebook format, for safe and private download to your computer, where
you can choose to store them on your hard-dirve, or on a removable storage device,
like a flash drive, or burn them to a CD. We do this so that you can get the information
that will help you without having physical books that are easily found by others,
or having to purchase them in a local bookstore.
Our Support Package is
instantly downloadable to the privacy of your own computer, and includes:
223 Page Ebook: How To Be A Happy Lesbian: A Coming Out Guide
Description: My partner Kathy and I wrote "How To Be A Happy Lesbian: A
Coming Out Guide." This book has a 5 Star rating on Amazon, and is recommended
by many gay magazines and organizations. It was also highly recommended by Sue
Johanson on her International TV show and also in Sue's book. Our Coming
Out Guide regularly sells for $17.95, but we offer it as part of our Complete
Support Package at a greatly reduced price.
my collection of books, there are very few for Lesbians so this is a welcome addition:
include 'How do I know if I'm gay?' and 'How do I recognize if someone is lesbian?'
There is information on lesbian lovemaking and safer sex, and the tone is gentle
and humorous. For all those women who have ever wondered, I recommend this book."
Sue Johanson Sunday Night Sex Show Sue Johanson is Canada's foremost
sexual educator and counselor SHE
is much more than a book offering encouragement, or advice or the sharing of the
authors' own personal experiences, it is a book that offers practical hands
on, and how to instructions for loving a woman properly. That includes respectfully
loving ourselves as women, while we safely make love to each other. The chapter
Plain Talk About Safer Sex was eye opening, and while the writing
style is humorous, hopefully everyone reading this excellent book will take the
need to practice safer sex to heart while taking the object of their
desires to bed. While sex is important to all of us, other sections give invaluable
information on a myriad of subjects, such as knowing what your civil rights as
a gay or bisexual woman are, as well as a wonderful chapter of recommended movies
along with their reviews. This book is a must for those recently out,' as
well as those who have been out and about' forever. It is funny, insightful
and simply put, filled with all sorts of useful information that we can all benefit
from--not to mention what a great gift it will be to that special young woman
who is just coming out." Diane Wilde Cover to Cover Review
I was finally ready to come out as a gay woman, I scoured the Internet for resources
to assist me with this difficult step. I couldn't believe my good fortune when
I discovered "How To Be A Happy Lesbian: A Coming Out Guide." There,
in one book, was everything I needed - from information on coming out to family,
friends and coworkers to symbols, role models, politics and living as a lesbian
in the world today. There are also additional resources cited: books, organizations,
and support groups to aid in the transition for you and your family, or for issues
like abuse and hate crimes. The chapters on communication, practicing safer sex,
and therapy would be helpful to any person or couple. The sex tips guide was informative
and enlightening without being crude or vulgar. For me, preparation is the key;
reading through "How To Be A Happy Lesbian: A Coming Out Guide" helped
me face and conquer the fear of rejection and loss that had troubled me for so
many years. I was empowered with a newfound confidence and understanding of what
it means to be gay, and that it was not something to be ashamed of, but to rejoice
in. My coming out became a joyful experience for me thanks to my wonderful friends
and family and my new friends at Amazing Dreams" C. Smarba
180 page Ebook: Coming Out Advice for Gay, Bisexual And Questioning Women
Description: "Coming Out Advice for Gay, Bisexual And Questioning Women"
contains many important questions women ask when they are first coming out. Over
100 questions are answered and categorized into the following chapters: What am
I?, Coming Out and Fear Issues, Coming Out In School, Coming Out and Men, Coming
Out to Family and Friends, Coming Out To Our Kids, Coming Out and Religion.
This Ebook alone sells for $14.95.

from UK, but have lived in Spain for the past five years. I have a young daughter
and last year, when I split with her step-dad I decided to explore my sexuality--the
sexuality I had ignored for YEARS! I came out as bisexual to my friends and this
year, came out as a lesbian. The only thing that helped me understand me were
the "How to be a happy Lesbian" and the "Coming Out Advice"
and "Relationship Advice" support books by Tracey and Kathy, who started
the SFLCO online support group. I cannot express enough to everyone to get these
books and read them. If you find the SFLCO support group helpful, these books
will really be the icing on the cake! Tara, Barcelona, Spain Our
167 page Ebook: Relationship Advice for Gay and Bisexual Women
Description: "Relationship Advice for Gay and Bisexual Women" has the
information you will need when you venture out into the gay community and start
dating. Over 100 questions are answered and organized in the following chapters:
Dating Advice, The LGBT Community and Family Life, Relationship Problems, Childhood
Abuse, Coping With The Straight World, and General Living Advice. This
Ebook also sells for $14.95. READER
LOVE the new Coming Out and Relationship Advice books. You deal with some very
difficult issues in a very frank and to-the-point manner, yet you do it very lovingly
and with amazing humor and wisdom. You give us all of your sage advice and wisdom;
from coming out as a teenagers, to coming out later in life; from internalized
homophobia and self -hated, to self love and acceptance of ourselves; from meeting
other gay women online and in the real world, to dating and moving into long-term
relationships; from leaving abusive relationships (or marriages), to moving into
self-reliance and standing honestly in our lives as totally actualized lesbians!

I highly
recommend both books to every newly out lesbian. In fact, I'm sure these books
will be helpful to all lesbians--heck, it is a great advice book for anyone, heterosexual,
homosexual, bisexual, or asexual. These are very practical and important books
that challenge, advise, and support both gay and bisexual women as we emerge from
hiding in the closet out into the light of day! DJ Messier, Portland,
ME Gay
and Bisexual Women's Travel Guide Description: This
Ebook guide is published by Gayellow Pages, and lists accommodations for gay and
bisexual women, Hotels, Inns, B&Bs, Campgrounds, Resorts, Bars, Cafes, Clubs,
Restaurants, Churches, Community Centers, Womens Centers, Book and Gift
Stores in the US and Canada. You can search for specific key words within the
text, like your state our city, or anywhere you may be thinking of vacationing.
Gayellow Pages is a sponsor of our SFLCO Group, and has allowed us to promote
their travel guide with our Coming Out Support Package. This is a great
guide to have and is a $14.95 value!
guide let me know the best local places and also helped me set up a vacation that
included gay friendly places to go and see with my new girlfriend! Thanks so much.
Terry Weist, Orlando, FL
Confidential Online Coming Out Support Group Description:
If you do not believe our total conviction to our mission, not only do we have
four great books for women who are coming out, we also provide an incredible online
support group that is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to women worldwide,
and you are encouraged to join FREE! This group is for gay, bi and questioning
women, and the authors of the books in our Coming Out Package manage and moderate
this group, so you will have direct contact with them to ask questions any time
you need to do so. This group is for any women who is questioning her sexual orientation
or coming out and needs support, and has been online since November of 2003. During
that time, we have helped over 4,000 women with their process of figuring out
if they are gay, bi, questioning or straight. At this time we have over 1,000
registered members, so you will no longer be alone. We have been told that
this service is "absolutely priceless" to women who are struggling to
come out!
the books in our Coming Out Support Package retail for $62.80, and support groups
charge between $50 and $100 a month, making our total Coming Out Support Package
worth between $100 and $150, but if you purchase today, our Complete Support Package
is priced at a special introductory rate of only $19.95, with
a Money Back Guarantee! This
introductory offer will not last long, and if you are not completely satisfied,
our Coming Out Support Package comes with a 100%, no questions
asked, Money Back Guarantee! COMMENT
used Yahoo and searched for 'Lesbian Coming Out.' I could really use some support
in my own coming out process. I'm 64 years old, divorced and just figuring out
who I am. I downloaded your Coming Out support Package a few days ago and started
reading your Coming Out Guide. What a relief to my confused, scared and buzzing
now through our Secure Amazing Dreams Publishing Server, and get instant,
private access to our Total Coming Out Support Package, which includes:

To Be A Happy Lesbian: A Coming Out Guide
Coming Out Advice for Gay, Bisexual And Questioning Women Relationship Advice
for Gay and Bisexual Women Gay and Bisexual Women's Travel Guide AND
OUR 24/7 Confidential Online Coming Out Support Group!

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