talk about safer sex

is safer sex?
Safer sex is a term used to let us know that
no sex is the only safe sex. The term Safer Sex comes from the fact
that no matter how cautious you are, accidents can happen and there is always
a chance of becoming infected with an STD (sexually transmitted disease) when
you are intimate with a partner. At this time one in five adults and one in four
teenagers have been infected with an STD. Fortunately, there are all sorts of
things you can do to help yourself stay healthy and to greatly decrease the possibility
of being exposed.
So what can I do to protect myself?
the time when the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) was running totally
rampant in the United States, my stepdaughter came to me and asked, What
am I supposed to do, never have sex? She was dating a new boyfriend she
was serious about, and was upset by the medias constant bombardment saying
the only way to be safe was to totally abstain from any sexual activity, period.
Our little lesbian family had also known seventeen people who succumbed
to complications of AIDS in six months time, so we were all pretty paranoid. Because
I wasnt in a high-risk group I really didnt know much more than she
did, but I did know that STDs have been around probably as long as human beings
have, and there are ways to protect yourself from getting them.
considering intimacy in a new relationship, the first and most important thing
is communication. Ive known some straight women who were too embarrassed
to ask the man theyd just picked up in a bar to wear a condom! Id
look at them and ask You mean you are willing to get buck naked and screw
like a wild dog in heat with a near stranger, but you cant talk about safe
sex? Now how crazy is that? Theyd give me all kinds of excuses which
essentially boiled down to the old idea that the man knows best. Well, I say thats
pure B. S.! Lets not be like some of our straight sisters and let other
people decide our destiny. The great thing about being lesbian is that we dont
have to play those kinds of games. Most of us know when the other is faking it,
so lets not fake safety. When the issue of being together, really together,
comes up, then its up to one of you to bravely broach the subject of safer
sex and whos done what.
Now I dont mean you need to rehash
every moan youve ever made with lovers of the past, or digging up your most
embarrassing sexual moment. But what I do mean is honestly look at your sexual
histories and ask yourself and each other the following question: In the past
five years have you or your partner, or ex-partners, participated in unsafe behaviors
listed in the previous section? If so, you may want to have a general blood screening
and an AIDS test. Wait 3-6 months after your last risky behavior and have a second
Since the virus HIV, which is thought to cause AIDS, can be lingering
in your body long before showing up in your blood stream, it is a good idea to
abstain from sex or use safer sex practices both six months before and after your
AIDS test. Ask your health care professional for the latest information on AIDS,
and find out the best way to protect both you and your partner from a potentially
deadly virus.....
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