talk and basic lesbian anatomy

is bodily communication?
When you get cold, your skin may become covered
with goose bumps and you can start to shiver. This is your body communicating,
Hey! Its freezing out here. Either get me a big coat, or lets
go in by the fireplace. Your body is talking to you constantly, although
many of these messages go unnoticed because they are such common occurrences.
For most of us, sex does not happen twenty-four hours a day, which means that
during arousal, our bodys responses can be easily charted.
what can a body say?
Pay attention to your own responses when you are
beginning to get sexually aroused. What do you feel? Is it a heat wave that starts
at your feet and burns through your center? Do you get flushed in the face, or
red around your chest and neck? Does your heart start pounding and your respiration
increase, or does your clitoris or penis swell up? Do your hands perspire or do
chills break out over your back? Is your mind full of wonderfully intense images
of what you would like to do with her?
These are just a few of the messages
your body might whisper--or flat-out yell--when you are in the mood. The key is
to be aware of your own messages, and then open yourself up to seeing your partners.
Erogenous zones--places that both give you the chills and make you hot
Many people think that erogenous zones are purely genital, but Ive found
this is far from true. When a woman is in the mood, her entire body can be an
erogenous zone, and its up to her partner to learn her favorite places.
This can be done by paying close attention to what her body is telling you, or
by her actually saying what she likes. Both ways are great, and should be used
in conjunction with each other...
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