To Be A Happy Lesbian: A Coming Out Guide Chapter 7 Sample Page
in the primarily heterosexual USA 
civil rights in the USA Many people think that you cannot
be discriminated against in housing, public accommodations, education, or employment,
if you are a gay man or woman. WRONG. I have been harassed by neighbors; told
there were no vacancies at motels, even though their glaring neon sign said differently;
advised not to come out on campus or I might lose my grant; and Ive been
fired from three jobs for being a lesbian. These things have been pretty devastating,
to say the least. 
I even had one employer hire a private investigator to track me. I had worked
for him for over two years, and I was up for a promotion to assistant manager.
When the investigator verified that I was lesbian, I was fired without notice
right in the middle of the 80s recession. I went from being the head buyer
for a store to squeezing dogs anal glands in a grooming parlor, Of course
my employers did not say my sexuality was the reason. No, they said I was a drug
user, which was totally untrueI dont even drinkand that I was
an unreliable employee. Hmmm. I guess never being late to work or
missing a day in two years means unreliable to some people. 
Now, you must remember this was in the deep South, where intolerance is a daily
right to every God fearin homophobe, but there are people like this everywhere
you gopeople who are pointing one finger at you with three pointing right
back at themselves! 
Dont laws protect us from discrimination? Not in most states,
but most everyone Ive spoken to thinks we are protected. An acquaintance
of mine who has a doctorate said If I got fired Id go to the Lambda
Legal Defense and Educational Fund and get them to help me. 
The Lambda Legal Defense Fund is a great organization, but there is little chance
that they would even being able to do anything, unless you are in one of the states
that have civil rights legislation for gay people written into their laws.

Those states are as follows: California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Of the
eleven only Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont, and Wisconsin have laws which
prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in all categories. The categories
are: public employment, public accommodations, private employment, education,
housing, credit, and union practices. This information was compiled from the Lambda
Defense and Educational Fund Website, so it may have changed by now. 
If you want to live in a state that fully protects its gay citizens, then Id
say do some research on the ones listed above to make sure that the antidiscrimination
laws have not been repealed or amended. Keep in mind that the laws are not going
to change ignorant, intolerant people, and if you get into a lawsuit with a private
individual, you can bet it will be a nasty fight to the bitter end...HOW
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