with the outside world

and closet cases
Some people would rather keep a picture of us being
just good friends, in their minds than to imagine two women going
at it. Maybe it would turn them on too much, or maybe they would be jealous because
of the multiple orgasms that lesbians are capable of, or maybe they dont
want to face something within themselves.

Whatever the reason, most straight people I know are fine with the fact I am lesbian,
as long as I dont talk about it too much. I have also found that many of
the people who are homophobic, or disturbed by who I am, are unsure of their own
sexuality. My girlfriend and I term some of these people MCs (for
missed their calling). And then there are the closet cases,
a breed all their own.

You can spot MCs everywhere you go, especially when they are a straight
couple. The man will seem totally gay and the woman will seem lesbian, and the
couple will be quite obvious to anyone who has an ounce of Gaydar. Sometimes they
will not have a clue that they have missed their calling, and can live their whole
lives together in a loving friendship. Some are not satisfied with their lives,
but never quite know why.

Different from the MCs are the closet cases. Closet cases know in
their heart that they are lesbian or bisexual, but will not admit it to themselves
or others. They didnt miss their calling, they simply refuse to accept it.
Some live in conventional straight relationships, but have secret
same-sex lovers on the side. Other times they force themselves to be straight
or celibate, and subsequently they are not happy. These are the people to watch
out for. They are the ones who will seduce you into affairs, then call you sick;
glare evilly at you in public situations and whisper about you behind your back;
and some may even tell your boss and coworkers that you are queer. The ones Ive
been in contact with always seem to want to make my life as miserable as possible.
I believe they do this on a subconscious level in order to validate their belief
that being gay is a horrible existence. It seems they hate their own gayness so
much, that they project their hatred away from themselves and onto some other

The funny thing about MCs and closet cases is this: if being a homo is a biological
thing, which most scientists are saying it is, then wouldnt people who are
gay but are choosing to be straight have more of a chance of producing
queer kids? And if this is true, then all the televangelists who are telling everyone
that they can choose to be straight are really helping to bring more
homos into the world. Hmmm, now isnt that something to ponder? Instead of
us luring straight god fearin people into our lifestyle, they are actually
helping us to be born! Think about this as we touch on the next section...
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