and the art of making lesbian love

Romance, the best way to keep a relationship happy
Romance means different
things to different people. Some view being romantic as having dinner ready for
their partner the minute she walks in from work, or cleaning the house and washing
her clothes. Others view it as candy and kisses, or flowers and dinner dates.
The important thing to find in any relationship is what each partner considers
romantic, and work towards meeting each others dreams. This is one way to
keep the relationship going for many years, but its a hard thing to know
without asking.
My girlfriend and I just figured this out a few months
back, and weve been together for fourteen years! All this time I was fixing
her dinner and doing things that I thought were romantic, only to find out that
she was missing romance because her definition was way different than mine.
This comes back to the old communication issue that can get neatly swept
under the rug because of the business of being alive and making a living. Many
of us tend to get caught up in the responsibilities of life, and forget to take
time for the fun of it.
Talk to your partner and find out what being
romantic means to her. It might come down to just a few words, like Make
wild love to me on a bed of rose petals, or doing something special like
cleaning out the cat box and sweeping the floor. Whatever it is, see if you can
make her dreams come true. Maybe she will do the same for you.
romantic things to do
Have flowers sent to her at work; send fun cards
on all holidays, or when shes feeling blue. These can also be cards you
make or even Email cards--anything that says you care. Cook her a lovely dinner,
using your best plates, even if they are plastic, and maybe use cloth napkins
if you have them; turn the lights low and eat by candlelight. If you cant
cook, fake it. Buy take-out and put it on plates like you fixed it yourself. Buy
snuggly flannel sheets for your bed in the winter, and cool satin ones for the
summer. Leave her favorite candy on her pillow, or let her sleep late and serve
her breakfast in bed. Tell her how gorgeous she is and how much she means to you
whenever you think about it. Give each other romantic body massages, or wonderful
foot and hand massages while you are sitting around watching TV...
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